Sciatica, back and neck pain are common problems affecting many of us at some point in our lives. Ordinarily these problems will improve and resolve either naturally or with manual therapy and exercise. Sadly, a small percentage of sufferers continue to experience severe pain which significantly affects their lives. This group of patients will often go on to have invasive procedures including spinal injections – and in some cases, surgery. But there is another option. The IDD Therapy Programme at iOsteopath is designed to help relieve chronic back and neck pain and allow you to get on with living the life you want to lead. Intervertebral Differential Dynamics (IDD) Therapy is the successful and trusted non-surgical spinal decompression treatment for back pain, neck pain and related conditions such as sciatica. Many back pain conditions are located at a particular level in the spine. With IDD Therapy we use computer-controlled pulling forces delivered by the Accu SPINA medical device to gently distract (draw apart) targeted segments of the spine in order to take pressure off specific discs and nerves whilst at the same time, gently stretching tight muscles and stiff ligaments. By decompressing (taking pressure off) an injured or bulging disc and stretching the soft tissues, we can improve mobility in the spine and allow the body’s natural healing mechanisms to operate more efficiently. In so doing, we can relieve pain caused by muscle spasm and alleviate nerve compression and irritation caused by bulging discs. As skilled clinicians, we can treat most back and neck pain with manual therapies but for some conditions – particularly those which are disc-related – our patients need something more to help their condition improve. Whether your current treatment isn’t working as well as you’d hoped, you’d like to stop taking painkillers, are seeking long-term pain relief or simply want to return to normal daily activities, IDD Therapy provides a safe, non-invasive alternative to surgery or spinal injections.

iOsteopath Clinical Director, John Cleat says, “When spinal segments become compressed, immobile and painful, it can be difficult in some cases to alleviate the condition with our hands alone. “The Accu SPINA is a state of the art treatment tool which enables us to provide IDD Therapy to decompress targeted spinal segments, gently, safely and in a precisely controlled manner. IDD Therapy is a key part of the service we provide for patients with back and neck pain and offers a complete non-invasive service that helps us get them back to their best.”

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